Students at Pleasant View
Students learned practical Christianity. "Everything that (Mrs. Eddy) said and did was a shining example of common sense." (Irving Tomlinson - 12 years with Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy.) She always adapted herself to the individual and spoke so simply so they could grasp her meaning. Like Paul once said, "I had rather speak 5 words of my understanding...than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue."
Mrs. Eddy established "The Christian Science Monitor" newspaper, November 25th, 1908.
Calvin Fry, Secretary and loyal student for 20+ consecutive years at Pleasant View and Chestnut Hill.
August 30 shall forever be known as Calvin Fry day.
"Students of the future should not forget to be grateful to the one of whom Mrs. Eddy wrote to the Christian Science Board of Directors on August 30, 1903 as follows: 'He has done more practical work in my behalf to aid our cause than any other student. He should be acknowledged in this line of action for the entire Field. I have given him a token of gratitude and suggest that the Executive Members of our church notice this anniversary of one of its oldest actors and faithful laborers in the vineyard of our Lord'" Gilbert Carpenter, Introductory Critique, Recollections of Mary Baker Eddy by James Gilman
Irving Tomlinson spent 12 non-consecutive years with Mrs. Eddy
"On another occasion she spoke of the great possibilities which lay before us in our work as Christian Scientist. (Mrs. Eddy) said we should be instruments of much good to the world. One student replied, "Yes, if we have love enough." She responded, "Love alone is not sufficient. You must also manifest divine wisdom if you would be of real service to others." Twelve Years with Mary Baker Eddy, Irving Tomlinson